
Annual fortune of Kyuushi Kasei

2 years old 2018  time of bloom
11 years old 2009
20 years old 2000
29 years old 1991
38 years old 1982
47 years old 1973
56 years old 1964
65 years old 1955
74 years old 1946
83 years old 1937
92 years old 1928
101 years old 1919


You are unstable this year. What you do have troubles.
You have to be cautious this year.
Your work is at fault, and you get busy at the end of the day.
You can not concentrate on your study or research because of the noise around you.
Problems occur in your home.
Last year you were lucky. Last year’s good luck protects you.
You should calm your mind and live a regular life.
You should not implement a new plan this year. You should not attend the party.
If you can not make a decision on a problem, a problem arises. Don’t make your decision late.
If your plan fails, find another way.
If you get sick this year, you will have to undergo surgery.
You need to be aware of eating too much, drinking too much, and working too much.