
Annual fortune of Happaku Dosei

1 years old 2019  time of growth
10 years old 2010
19 years old 2001
28 years old 1992
37 years old 1983
46 years old 1976
55 years old 1965
64 years old 1956
73 years old 1947
82 years old 1938
91 years old 1929
100 years old 1920


You will get good results at work this year. You are lucky this year.
You are complimented by your boss. And you are honored.
You play an important role. That is a chance.
You are good at challenging.
You should get advice from your boss. You get the results.
Sometimes you need covert action.
Meet your men when you’re stealing. Their subordinates are strong allies.
For that reason, you must always keep your subordinates in good condition.
You have to obey your boss. If you contend with your boss, you miss a big fortune.
You must not go to work like gambling.
Since you are lucky this year, you may want to implement a new plan. And you may move or change jobs.
You have to rest properly so as not to overwork.