
Annual fortune of Shichiseki Kinsei

9 years old 2011  time of sprout
18 years old 2002
27 years old 1993
36 years old 1984
45 years old 1975
54 years old 1966
63 years old 1957
72 years old 1948
81 years old 1939
90 years old 1930
99 years old 1921
108 years old 1912


There is a big change to you this year.
People gather around you regardless of good people and bad people.
You should be very cautious when dealing with contracts this year.
You should not enter into a contract if you are concerned.
You should have a safety net.
You have to be careful not to cause any trouble with anyone.
If you have trouble this year, the police will come.
You suffer from old problems of old times.
If a problem arises, you should not run away.
You should listen to the old advice.
Presents to you from the west are broken.
You should be careful of abdominal disease.