
Annual fortune of Roppaku Kinsei

8 years old 2012  time of ice and snow
17 years old 2003
26 years old 1994
35 years old 1985
44 years old 1976
53 years old 1967
62 years old 1958
71 years old 1949
80 years old 1940
89 years old 1931
98 years old 1922
107 years old 1913


Your keyword this year is ‘busy’. You will be busy with your work and your private life.
Good busyness.
You have good relationships and trust.
You make a profit by trading with a partner in a distant place.
Real estate transactions and transactions with foreign countries are advantageous to you.
Business talks in the southern direction are great opportunities for you. You must not escape it.
If you think about changing jobs, you should do it immediately. Good luck this year.
If you are single, you will have a chance to get married.
If you have a lover and you don’t get married this year, it will be years before you walk on the wedding road.
You have an opportunity this year.