
Annual fortune of Shiroku Mokusei

6 years old 2014  time of space time
15 years old 2005
24 years old 1996
33 years old 1987
42 years old 1978
51 years old 1969
60 years old 1960
69 years old 1951
78 years old 1942
87 years old 1933
96 years old 1924
105 years old 1915


This year, you get out of the downturn and gain luck.
If your boss can help you, you will grow very much.
If your boss does not cooperate, you will struggle this year.
This year, you are easy to get the boss’s cooperation.
You do not go against your boss. Follow your boss carefully. Then you will be lucky.
You should cherish the advice of old women.
You go to your hometown on business. You see Old mother.
Happiness can not be obtained alone.